Buy Real Estate Databases

What Does Provide?

Gold Quality Data

Targeted Home Owner Data, Minimising Tenants and Disconnected Lines Ensuring Your Calling The Most Efficient Numbers.


With No Minimum Order Quantities Or Lock In Contracts, Flexibility Is The Key. We Work With You To Your Needs, Not Make You Meet Ours

Secure & Compliant

Every Record Of Data Purchased Through Is Sent To You Securely & Is 100% Compliant With All Australian Laws Makes Your Work So Easy

Data Requested

Call Or Email For A Tailored Quote Based On Your Needs

Data Collated

Our Systems Pull Data When Needed, Ensuring Accuracy

Data Received

Our Systems Pull Data When Needed, Ensuring Accuracy

Highly Target Real Estate Databases for Telemarketing or Direct Marketing

Targeted Data That You Want

You call the shots. 

Want only one street in one suburb? Great!

Need everything in 4 different postcodes? Easy!

Only want to target one gender of renters? Sure!

Whatever the combination of your needs, we can sort and extract data to your exact requirements. We don’t just sell you an entire list that has been sold to other companies for the past 10 years and called over 600 times. 

All data is target and sourced when you need it, as you need it. This means we can offer you the most accurate and up to date information that is available anywhere. 

Default Real Estate Databases

Our standard or default option for Real Estate Databases has 2 main requirements. 


1- Data is cross-referenced with REA to check for a rental listing. Should there be a rental listing in the last 24 months, this record is removed from the database. This provides a higher likelihood that you will be marketing to home owners as opposed to tenants. 

2- We only serve mobile phone numbers to you. Whilst we have the availability of landline numbers, we calculate the benefit  is just simply outweighed by the costs involved of both acquiring and phoning this data. As a default, this data will not be sent to you. Of course, you can order this information should you wish. 

TIP: Don’t want to phone units/apartments etc.? We can remove these also!

Want To Stay 2 Steps Ahead Of Your Competition?

Consider a 12 Month Option For Your Targeted Area

Cost Effective

Save money by subscribing to our packages and have the latest data delivered directly to you every 30 days.

Hassle Free

No more worrying about Do Not Call washing, keeping track of washing receipts and monthly washing reminders.

New Data Every 30 Days

Numbers come and numbers go. Extracting the data every 30 days means you absolutely have the most recent and fresh data set.

Phone us on 1300 634 060 or email on today for an obligation free quote for your upfront and ongoing charge for 12 month plans.

No commitments, cancel when you want!

Our B2C Data Is Unmatched

Focusing on quality over quantity, our systems allow you to select the data you want most without having to pay for data you will never use. With our state of the art systems, data is extracted when you need it, as you need it. This ensures the data you are purchasing is the most current possible data available anywhere. Other companies simply provide data they have off a central database, which has been provided to all their customers and is likely flogged to death. Extracting data as you need it, based on the parameters you are setting, you are in the drivers seat at all times. 

Whether your in Real Estate looking for leads, have a new Solar campaign coming up or even if your are launching a new product aimed at men and want to do an SMS advertising campaign, we have you covered. 

The quality of our data is second to none. We have assisted businesses in many areas for their Telemarketing or SMS marketing needs. To find out how we can assist you get in touch with one of our team today.

Our systems will allow you to target data based on and includes information on:

  • Physical Location
  • DNC / Do Not Mail Compliance
  • Property Type
  • Gender
  • Mobile Phone Number
  • Landline Phone Number

Trusted By Australian Businesses, Australia Wide

Get In Touch Today

For an obligation free quote please phone, email us or complete our quote form. Each project is quoted individually to ensure you are getting the best possible rates for the data sets you are looking for. We endeavor to answer all enquires within 24 working hours. Once payment in full is received your data will be ready within 24 working hours, unless otherwise noted for some larger orders.

Phone: 1300 634 060
